EDC - Euro Data Center
EDC stands for Euro Data Center
Here you will find, what does EDC stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Euro Data Center? Euro Data Center can be abbreviated as EDC What does EDC stand for? EDC stands for Euro Data Center. What does Euro Data Center mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in Brasov, Brasov.
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Alternative definitions of EDC
- Export Development Corporation
- Exhibitor Designated Contractor
- European Documentation Centre
- Error Detection and Correction
- Estimated Date Of Confinement
- Error Detecting Code
- Engineering Data Control
- Electronic Digital Computer
View 167 other definitions of EDC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- EGC Epitome Group of Companies
- ECIIPL EC Interactive India Pvt. Ltd
- ELL Equip Line Ltd
- ELCI Espy Lumber Company Inc
- EDSGML EDS Garden Maintenance Ltd
- EMNY Epic Models New York
- EAT The Elizabethan Academy Trust
- EPI Employment Panache Inc
- ELSC Eat Local Sudbury Cooperative
- ENCA Extreme Net Communication Agency
- ESCP Eric Scott Custom Products
- EKUS The Embassy of Kazakhstan in the United States
- EC The Enterprise Corporation
- EOANZ Employee Ownership Australia and New Zealand
- ETPL Evolve Technologies Pty Ltd
- EML Environmental Mats Ltd.
- ECG Eye Candy Graphics
- EEI Empyreal Energy International